Program for Leading Graduate Schools is one of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Projects which started in FY2011. Main objective of this program is the innovation of graduate school education to cultivate global leaders who can play active roles in the industry, academia and government.
At Kumamoto University, the project proposed by Graduate Schools of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences was selected as “Composite category (Life Health)” in FY2012.

HIGO <Health life science: Interdisciplinary and Glocal Oriented> Program
The HIGO program is a program that working for cultivation of “Glocal oriented leaders of Health Life Science Pioneer with understanding of the needs in Kyusyu/Asia and challenge to provide the solutions for various issues by creating networks between local community and global society “. It is mainly operated by Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences and providing interdisciplinary education in cooperation with Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences and Center for Policy Studies.
In addition, Kumamoto city mayor, local administrative agencies and industries are also taking part in HIGO program and working together to cultivate Glocal leaders of new generation.
HIGO <Health life science: Interdisciplinary and Glocal Oriented> Program